Thursday, July 23, 2009
More on DJ-ing & Band Lessons
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Toronto Summer Events
I haven't attended them all and was too busy to post about the ones that I did. But I will be blogging about TIFF for sure in Sept & I will try my best to post at least a little bit about the comming events.
Recent Band Gig @ CM

Ginza sushi restaurant grand openning in yorkville

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Soler: Band of Substance

Their latest album CANTO contains a double meaning, one of them symbolising the language they grew up speaking which is Cantonese, & the other being "Io Canto" as in the Italian words for I sing. I find both of the meanings to be very distinct of their Identy: Cantonese. Asian, Italian, singing & music. It could not be more of a mere accident.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
DABA girls blog
just a gossipy hype to me, but nevertheless interesting for some to read that are bored.
too much materialism towards relationships.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
But if you're just looking for a new hobby then this might be it. If you've already learned some DJ-ing skills in the past, then you can probably start doing some free gigs & then work your way in for paid ones once people know who you are.
DJ-ing for dummies
How to save money on dates: attend free events, go to the park & enjoy the nature, rollerblade, bike, swim together, etc...
Looking for a cool job? Try Waitressing/Bartending
The base pay for waiters/waitresses & bartenders/bartend-esses(lol) is not that much, even less than retail, but sometimes tips can be a lot depending on which place & area you work at & who you serve.
Smart Serve
You need this course/license if you want to work as a waitress/bartender at a restaurant/lounge that serves alcohol. You might not need it to get hired for a waitressing job at a restaurant that serves liquor, but you'll get higher chances of getting hired if you have it already. Every job has competition these days. Smart Serve is required for all alcohol beverage servers including bartenders.
Bartending Certification Course
Only takes 2wks.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
How to fight dark eye circles
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Must have makeup tools for this summer!
A complete brushset is a must have for a thorough makeup application, especially when you'll have more parties to go to, weddings, & many other social events. This is a 12piece set which is adaquet enough. At least all the basics are included. I think it includes every kind of brush that exists eg. powder, blush, eyeshadow, liner, brow, fan brush, slanted/angled brushes, unless there's a brush that I don't know about.
Even w/ much sunshine these days, fake tans are still necessary if you don't want skin cancer & you spend a lot of hot summer days indoors w/ AC. Airbrush spray on tans looks more natural as they go on the skin more evenly distributed. Cream/lotion tans just feels greasy! And what about rainy days?
Foundation Primer
So far the best one I've tried is the Smashbox Photo Finish Foundation Primer. The basic one is the white one & then there's another one w/ SPF 15 sun protection & then there's the colour correcting which does not have SPF sun protection.
street dance
VYbE Dance Studio in Markham
Raptors Dance Team
Monster of Hip Hop
Skyy Vodka
Skyy Vodka is one of my favourite vodkas for cocktails. It tastes very clear & you do not really notice the strong vodka taste & it almost seems like there's no vodka present although you know it's there and you can sense the alcohol. Also it leaves no after taste as most other vodkas do.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Mineral Makeup
First there's mineral powder & now there's even liquid mineral foundation, mineral eyeshadow, as well as mineral lipgloss. You can probably even get mineral eyeliner.
There very first mineral powder I ever tried was BareMinerals starter kit which I got from Sephora. It's very easy to use and comes with everything that you'll need to apply the makeup on nicely. It comes with a foundation primer/moisturizer, and 2 veils of concealer/coverup powder of 2 different shades, 1 lighter & 1 slightly darker and a translucent (no-colour) finishing powder and then a blush. You can mix the two shades depending if you want to go lighter or darker. I personally used them both on their own without mixing. I used the lighter shade during the longer winter months & then the darker shade during the summer & fall seasons when I have a bit of a tan. Three very good application brushes are included, a large kabuki brush for application at home for the powders and a shorter no handle pocket sized brush for travel, and a concealer brush. It even comes with an instructional video dvd.
The one I'm using corrently is Smashbox HALO HYDRATING PERFECTING POWDER which is a large compact of pressed powder which works as loose powder because when you turn the compact, the powder gets shaved into loose powder and it's very convenient because you only shave as much as you need to use each time. I really love this because with jars of loose powder I'm always afraid of dropping or spilling the contents to waste & also making a mess to clean up after. I can go anywhere with this Smashbox powder and even travel with it & it will last until weeks if not months because it contains more powder than your average compact.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Does Lip Gloss ever Expire?
I just know that mascara lasts 3 months after you open it & probably 1yr unopened. Foundation 1yr after opening & 3yrs unopened.
Lipgloss I predict 1yr when opened & 3yrs. Actually it depends on what kind of lipgloss. If it's the more solid type like lipbalm then it'll last longer b/c it contains less moisture than the more creamy ones. The best guess is to just smell it & look at the colour. If it smells bad & different from when you got it, then toss it out! Same thing if the colour changes.
Cargo makes a lipgloss that contains a little strip which you put inside the tube of lipgloss when you first open it. What the strip does is that it will gradually change to a red colour through time which is around 9 months letting you know that it's about time to trash it! You shoudl try it if you're curious & especially if you have a bad sense of time or memory of when you got stuff. Even I may try it just for fun!
I personally still have a few lipglosses that are more than 2yrs old & the colour nor smell have not changed especially the more expensive ones. If you're worried about bacteria, but still want to use it I would recommend heating it in the microwave, not inside the tube. Some lipglosses already come w/ a small jar & you can heat it on low heat for around 20secs or so depending on how large the jar of lipgloss is. If you have lipgloss in a tube, then just pour it out into a small jar container or contact lens case or anything similar, you could even just pour it into a microwave dish if you want to. After you heat it, the lipgloss will turn into liquid form & then you just let it cool down a little, then you can even put it in the fridge for it to turn solid faster.
You can also make lipgloss w/ old lipsticks & those last little bits of lipliner left. All you have to do is crush it up & mix it w/ a bit of petrolium jelly & pour it into a little microwavable dish, heat it up & Voila! Then pour the liquid into your container of choice for the lipgloss to take form in, perhaps an old used up lipbalm/gloss container or eyecream jar.
Coffee&Chocolate for a good cause: Fair Trade & more...
I'll only get their stuff that is not too far off compared in price w/ the items from regular brands. So I'll at least try to make an effort.
Perhaps I'll volunteer at a Fair Trade shop in the future. I had a friend that did it & that's how I know about the volunteer. But I did hear about Fair Trade prior to that. The very first time that I heard about Fair Trade was in Vancover when a girl I met from PEI was very into it & environmental stuff. I bought their chocolate from a shop called "Ten Thousand Villages" on Commercial Drive. It was half way b/w UBC main campus where we were staying at & Metrotown. So you have to take the bus to Commercial Drive to catch the Skytrain to Metrotown Shopping Centre in Burnaby.
After returning to Toronto, I found out that they have "Ten Thousand Villages" & Fair Trade products at health/organic food shops in Toronto as well. I have yet to visit Toronto's "Ten Thousand Villages" although I've already tried another shop called Noah's Arc/Noah's Natural Foods on Bloor/Yonge Street. The company donates money to orphans & needy children in countries where they have offices located there. Skytrain Van Fair Trade @YorkU
Dollarama 65cent dark chocolate bars

I've tried Fair Trade & some European brands from Winners.
I find that the more expensive stuff doesn't taste too much different from the regular stuff you get from some supermarkets & Walmart. However, I did find the Dollarama chocolate tasting a bit not so good.
Monday, May 18, 2009
JOB advice!
i'll need to read this when i have time! good info for all you gals out there too! i mean, at least i think it should be useful considering that it's from Forbes.
Taller earns more!
I wonder if that just applies to men or it applies to women as well.
10 career-damaging online mistakes
Christie Pitts Park
tell you more about it next week after i've been there.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Cool Words of the Day!
-A splendid atmosphere or aura, as of glamour, that surrounds a person or thing.
-a distinctive and pervasive quality or character; air; atmosphere: an aura of respectability; an aura of friendliness.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Doors Open Toronto 2009-Free Admission!!
I love these types of events especially when it's free & when there's tons to do around the city (GTA) for everybody young & small to the elderly, people from all walks of life, whom some otherwise may spend most of their daylight cramped in an office & getting to hang out at places where we normally don't get to go to too often or at all. It's just exciting when you see everybody else having fun when you're also having fun & experiencing the same things.
I love Doors Open & Nuit Blanche (Free).
Luminato & TIFF (not free but worth it anyway!).
Here's a few links to get y'all prepared for next weekend's event.
Gear up & pack all the essentials! Don't forget to checked the updated weather report especially on the day see if you'll need to bring an umbrella/raincoat, or bring it anyway just in case it does rain when you're moving from venue to venue. Also, bring your Sunblock. Even if it's a rainly day, there may still be periods of Sun Burn Time! Don't worry, you'll be indoors most of the time b/c "Doors Open" is all about them openning up the doors & let us in inside, lol!
Toronto Star Guide, but it's from last year. The updated version will probably come in a few days on Thurs. But much of the info will be the same anyway, so doesn't hurt to take a peak especially if you're totally new to this event.
The Official Website contains a list of venues & some other info.
A semi-official website I suppose b/c it's for all the "Doors Open" events in Ontario, eg. there's also "Doors Open Markham." It contains a list of venues & some other info such as links to the venue websites.
Lit City!
Doors Open is a part of the Lit City event which seems like most of us were too busy to have noticed it, but it's not too late yet. If you can't catch the last of it now, there's always next year, but don't forget then!
Remember to sleep early on Fri nite & get up early Sat morn & super mass visit sites!!! or just relax & take it slow. Both ways have it's benefits!
Friday, May 15, 2009
The Body Shop
Originated from the UK. I like some of their products.
Energizing Body Lotion & Body Wash
Feels very refreshing & energizing. Feels like there's a bit of menthol in it.
Aromatherapy Oils
There's essential & non-essential oils. The difference is that essential is concentrated oil that you would not want to apply it directly on to your skin as that could be dangerous to your health. You can add a few drops along with some water on a candle burner. Or you could add a few drops into your bath water. You can always make massage oil by mixing essential w/ non-essential oils.
Non-essential oils are diluted, usually mixed with sesame or olive oil. Massage oils are non-essential oils. These you can rub directly onto your skin w/o posing any health risks, except for the fact that some scents may affect pregnant women so you much do your research & find out which ones are safe for you if you're pregnant.
Facial Oil-Blotting PaperI tend to stock up on their blotting papers especially the powdered ones, but I'm currently down to my last pack unfortunately. Next time I visit Asian I'll probably stock up on other brands blotting paper there, sorry Body Shop!
These two brands are from the same company. They're sold throughout the UK. Boots is a drugstore just like Shopper's & PharmaPlus here. So "Boots" is kind of like the "Life" brand from Shopper's except they only specialize makeup & skincare products. They're not as well known here in North America as other UK brands like Crabtree & Body Shop, but people are beginning to be aware of it. It was just introduced to Canada recently like a year ago & it's sold in some Shopper's Drug Marts, mostly the larger stores.I like the Botanics toner & the wipes.I've tried #7 translucent pressed powder & I thought it was alright, but not something that I can't live w/o. Perhaps b/c I'm all into mineral makeup now.#7 purple facial peel.I've used it several times. I guess it works, but I don't seem to notice it's different b/w other peel facials.
Crabtree & Evelyn
Lemongrass & Brown Sugar Body Butter
This is currently sold out on the website, shows how popular it is & that I'm not the only one that thinks it's the best! But you can probably find it at a store.Before, I didn't like body butters that much as I have oily skin & I felt it was too oily for me. But now I think that body butter tend to last longer for their shelf life before they start to smell wierd like a lot of lotions do.But currently, I'm in love w/ their Lemongrass Body Butter. It smells like nothing I've ever smelt before. Perhaps I'm just new to Lemongrass, lol! But hey, other brands like The Body Shop don't have this scent's body butter. Even if they did it might not be the same. It's just so smooth. I'd buy a jar of it just to smell it & feel it & I'd probably be too stingy to use too much of it too quickly as I'd save it in order to savour it. I'd probably try to eat it if it were edible, lol!
Here's the body scrub!
Gardeners 60-Second Fix Manicure Set for Hands:
Hand RecoveryHand Therapy Hand CreamYou can purchase these two items either together or seperately, &/or use together w/ other products as well.It's a better deal to get them together in a single package if you do want both items.
Step 1: Hand Recovery
This is a hand scrub that contains shea butter hand cream. You rub it on your hands & cuticles to take away dead skin & then rinse. I don't think that it's necessary to apply the Hand Therapy Cream afterwards as your hands are already moisturized after rinsing. I think it's just for extra moisturizing/smoothing. So I'd say that the cream is not absolutely necessary or if you do get it then you can even use the two items seperately if you like.
Step 2: Gardeners Hand Therapy
This is a hand cream that contains shea butter which makes it very smooth & thus your very smooth & the scent is also amazing!
Rosewater Body Powder
Just like baby powder except it doesn't say "baby" anywhere on the body. So you're perfectly justified of this guilty pleasure of pampering yourself. haha!
Suggestion: don't put on a whole lot of lotion/butter/cream on before & especially after using the powder as the powder will stick together with the lotion & you'll have white blobs on your skin.
This stuff smells very nice, another guilty pleasure! The powder itself already makes your skin smooth, but it doesn't contain any moisturizing ingredients, lacking in that department. I'm disappointed that it doesn't contain aloe or vitamin E as some baby powders do from the drugstores, but drugstore body powders do not have a variety of scents to choose from.
Baby/Body powders these days are made from starch & are talc-free (a substance that is toxic to humans) or at least they should be, so be sure to double check. If you have a really old one it may still contain talc & it's up to you if you still want to use it or throw it away.
This product is a bit pricey as with other name brand products & compared to the low price of drugstore baby powders. I'd rate this product a 4/10 as I do love the Rosewater scent & also body powder. Otherwise the price is not really worth it especially since the amount of the product in the small bottle will run out very quickly. However, this is still one of my favourite Crab&Eve products as I already mentioned I love Rosewater & powder. Yes I'm harsh w/ my rating, I know, LoL! The Body Powder also comes in other scents like Lavander & Lily of the Valley.
New Kitty Glam Cam & Booze!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Toronto Spots
One Eleven
They have great Raw Oysters & a great DeeJay!
cool place on Bloor St. I actually haven't been there yet. I was supposed to for a party that I missed last year.¤tVenueId=1396
popular for tourists as well as locals, amazing view from up there.
Empire Restaurant & Lounge
very popular place, huge crowd, haven't been in there yet
Y Not Lounge
used to be bubble tea shops called "Eternal Tea" & then "Love&Scandle"
Club V/Yorkville Affair
Kool Lounge
Flow Restaurant & Lounge
been there before the fire. haven't been there since it got renovated.
A list of Yorkville Clubs
Here's an old blog I found on Yorkville. Looks like it hasn't been updated for at least 1yr but most of the info should still be relevant, although there aren't that many posts.
Bubble Tea Shops
Richmond Hill
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Hair Straighteners

ideas for future posts
Toronto Yorkville in the 60's.
art: visual artists, abstract art
the meaning of life: maslow's hierarchy of needs, according to theology, philosophy, biology, other theories, etc...
according to Biology, our sole purpose is to reproduce, but life must have more meaning than simply that.
acne: dermawand, oxylite, zeno, light therapy, benxyl peroxide, salicylic acid, glycolic acid peel.
architechture-rococo, victorian, baroque, modern/futuristic
More on Molecular Gastronomy
Bartending & Spherification in NY
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Sushi in TO

The best way to make sure you get the real stuff is to make it yourself as in cook it yourself; or even better, catch it yourself!
.........if you know how.......if you like cooking
as for people like me at this time, I do not cook much & I do not want to. But perhaps someday I will decide to give it a try. I love sushi! There's nothing like tasting the freshness of fish when it's raw! But I can't imagine making my own raw fish sushi/sashimi, can you?
So therefore, the chance of me getting to eat real red snapper is not that great at the moment.
Best sushi places in Toronto
Friday, May 8, 2009
Dijon Mustard

It's the burger topping sauce of choice for President Barak Obama even though it's not an American ingredient.
But it's still Pro-Canadian for us Canadians b/c Dijon in Bordeaux, France imports most of their mustard seeds from Canada & I'm sure that many of the dijon mustard sauces in Canada & the US are actually made here in Canada. So although Obama has been criticised for prefering dijon on his burger by the US critics, we here in Canada have nothing against him forthat. Infact, we are Pro-dijon & we love him even more for it & perhaps even more so for French Canadians, lol!
Anyway,it's.just.such.a.small.thing. I don't think the President or his family needs to watch every detail of their dieting habbits. It's too much of a hassle. I believe they have bigger & better things to do than caring what people say about such subtlety. The critics probably just need stuff to talk & write about. They always keep themselves busy & always looking for something to criticize. Afterall, to critique is their JOB.
Come on, dijon is Delicious! There are several different versions. Some are made w/ fruit. I really love honey mustard so I could understand the preference of a certain sauce over others. However, I'm not sure what dijon mustard is like yet. I'm not sure if I've even tried it. Perhaps I have & didn't know. But next time instead of honey mustard I will try dijon just out of curiousity. Since the US Prez likes it, of course you wonder, "Is it really that good?" espeically if you have never tasted it in your life before. Perhaps I'll like it just as much or perhaps even better & it may become my favourite too. Or even possibly, I may choose to stick back to my honey mustard afterall!
El Bulli-make ur own famous El Bulli dishes

The revolutionary chef Ferran Adriá is the head chef at El Bulli. He uses a series of techniques in molecular gastronomy that have brought about an evolution in the restaurants cooking style. Molecular gastronomy is a scientific discipline involving the study of physical and chemical processes that occur in cooking.
I have not been able to find the exact definition of Sferification / Spherification so I cannot tell you the universial meaning of what it is. But from my current knowledge, it is the chemical process of making the jelly like caviar & ravioli & the "Spher" part of the word probably comes from the word "Sphere" meaning round. What's really cool is that apart from just making caviar or ravioli seperate, you can actually combine the two together & enclose the caviar into the ravioli which is truely juicy! Made w/ real fruit, no food colouring, added sugar or preservatives! Yummy & healthy!
Basic Spherification consists of submerging a liquid containing Algin in a Calcic bath. This is used to obtain ravioli and other sfer creations with a very thin membrane. It also allows you to obtain spherical caviar. In Basic Spherification it is necessary to use Citras with some ingredients in order to correct the acidity.
The food at El Bulli is more like Eye Candy. It looks so unique & interesting that you just want to look at it & not eat it so that you can look at it as long as you can if not forever, or practically at least you want to look at it a few more times & perhaps snap a few photos before you really dig in. I'm sure that the food tastes just as good as it looks though, so you don't have to worry about that. From what I heard, it tastes like nothing you have ever tasted before.
Reservations at the restaurant is of course expensive especially if you have to get a flight there. Even if you have a lot of money, you still have to reserve a table one year in advance. So instead of giving up & dreaming that I can go there someday, I just make a few of my own famous El Bulli dishes right at home for now. But I'm still hoping to actually go there eventually someday & enjoy the real thing & all of the dishes they have there. For now I'll be happy just to have the self-made substitutes. Easy, economical & I can make whatever flavours I want. I can't wait to try apple, mango & watermelon caviar & ravioli.
Nowadays many restaurants around the world have some El Bulli inspired dishes on their menu especially the caviar & ravioli. So if you don't want to bother purchasing all the equipments & ingredients & finding the time to make your own sferication dishes, you can just find it at a local highend restaurant.
Here's the kit that allows you to make caviar & ravioli. It's called the sferification/spherification kit. Wikipedia Article
El Bulli Food Photos! Enjoy!
An FB group dedicated to Molecular Gastronomy where you can get tips from other MG lovers!
Wiki on MG
You can find some recipes on the following website.
Here's a youtube video!
For more links/videos of how to make your own El Bulli dishes you can just find them yourself through a search engine or YouTube.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
ACE Grooming Products for Men

Kiehl's is a beauty/skincare brand that originated from New York in 1851, which is more than 150 years ago. They use all natural ingrediants. All of the products have not been tested on animals so it's ok for all you animal-lovers out there! If you like The Body Shop, you'll probably like Kiehl's as well. I cannot tell you how the two compares as I have not tried Kiehl's yet, but I heard that it's very good. Many Hollywood Celebs use this brand. It is a lot more popular in the US & not so much in Canada. Probably b/c of Canada's links w/ the British, we are more familiar w/ UK brands such as The Body Shop, and Crabtree & Evelyn. We still follow the Brit way of spelling our English words for instance. I'm sure they both offer some similar products and also of of their own unique products. I will tell you what I think about it once I've tried some of the stuff. I'm planning to visit their Eglinton store sometime later. It's near Eglinton subway station if you are taking the TTC.
I'm quite looking forward to it try out. I'm not out of bodywash yet, but I think I need a new cleanser & moisturizer. I'll probably just start out by getting a small/travel-sized combo set just to try out & ask them for a few samples also, so you don't have to spend a whole lot of money on something that you have no idea if you like or not.You may have seen articles about this brand in some magazine & newspaper articles & wondering where you can buy it b/c you cannot find it at Shoppers/Walmart etc... They have a store on Yonge St. & one on Queen St. in Toronto, one in Vancouver & they recently opened one in Montreal as well. So check it out when you have time. Their products are sold at Holt Renfrew. Or you can always shop online on their website! anytime.
Besides Human Beings, they also have pet care products for dogs & horses. How interesting! I doubt The Body Shop has that, lol! I wouldn't be surprised that some pet lovers would want to get their pets the same brand products that they use themselves. It'll make them feel that much closer to their pets.
I want to try their blue herbal facial care line to prevent/treat breakouts.
Toronto Locations:
2518 Yonge Street 416-483-1335407
Queen Street West 416-977-3588.
Yes, now you know how to spell it properly. If you don't, it's hard to research anything about it online b/c the wrong hits will come up.
Drawings of Leonardo da Vinci
Get cultured & examine Leo's Art!
Toronto's Japan Foundation
They offer different programs & events & some free Japanese art exhibits.
Bottled Water
Fiji -an island nation in the South Pacific Ocean east of Vanuatu, west of Tonga and south of Tuvalu.
Fiji Water is very popular among Hollywood celebs. You can find it at almost if not all celeb events. It is the #1 prefered brand of bottled water by celebs to drink during the Toronto International Film Festival. Although Toronto's Mayor David Miller banned plastic beverage bottles in all municipal offices after another Canadian city, London in Ontario, we will still see a lot of Fiji water at the TIFF09. Some people even subscribe to a monthly supply of Fiji Water. It is a key ingredient in Michael Kors' "Island Fiji" fragrance.
One of Toronto's famous chefs name Mark McEwanwill only serve Fiji water & no other kind.
Patagonia-a geographic region containing the southernmost portion of South America. Located in Argentina and Chile, it comprises the Andes mountains to the west and south, and plateaux and low plains to the east.
German water
German tap water is ok to drink. However because the water comes from the Rhine River which is recycled many times. Germany shares the Rhine River w/ several European countries which are Austria, France, Liechtenstein, Netherlands, & Switzerland. Europeans have always consumed bottled water, since most knew that their tap water was recycled a number of times. It is said that the water of the Rhine River is drawn by seven German cities and recycled until it reaches the Atlantic Ocean after flowing though the Netherlands.
(acqua gassosa=carbonated water)
Italy is western Europe’s biggest bottled water market probably due to it's low price in Italy.
San Pellegrino-a very well known & widely used brand of bottled water internationally. It's mineral water has been produced for over 600 years. Leonardo da Vinci visited the town in 1509 to sample and examine the town's "miraculous" water, later writing a treatise on the subject. In 2003, the price of 75 cl San Pellegrino bottles reached US$10 in the restaurants of New York City, where 65,000 bottles are sold every day.
How to Make a Homemade Italian Cream Soda.
You don't necessarily have to use "Italian" but if you happen to have some, why not?
Bottled water gives rise to a new type of restaurant sommelier.
Carbonated Water
Naturally carbonated water -Some brands of water are already naturally carbonated.
Hard Water
Some people may drink bottled water to avoid hard water found in tap water. However, many regular bottled water brands have the same contents as tap water.
Adam Lambert Top3 on Idol, Yay!
Glad that he's top! think he's cool & very talented. I think he'll win definately! Ok but the media titled him "first gay idol" that's not so nice!
Oh i'm kinda disappointed that he's gay too coz i thought he was cute & maybe kinda cute, oh well too bad! But still hope that he'll win. Keep up the good work Adam!
Don't know Adam? Haven't been catching up on American Idol? Then it's not too late yet. You can still read up on him before the contest is over.