Free Admission to all venues listen which will probably include the venues that you want to visit which normally charges an admission fee such as AGO, ROM, Bata Shoe Museum, Textile Museum, Ceramic Museum, etc... So if you have plenty of time & you're not interested on the venues which are normally closed to the public, when why not go to those ones & save $.
I love these types of events especially when it's free & when there's tons to do around the city (GTA) for everybody young & small to the elderly, people from all walks of life, whom some otherwise may spend most of their daylight cramped in an office & getting to hang out at places where we normally don't get to go to too often or at all. It's just exciting when you see everybody else having fun when you're also having fun & experiencing the same things.
I love Doors Open & Nuit Blanche (Free).
Luminato & TIFF (not free but worth it anyway!).
Here's a few links to get y'all prepared for next weekend's event.
Gear up & pack all the essentials! Don't forget to checked the updated weather report especially on the day see if you'll need to bring an umbrella/raincoat, or bring it anyway just in case it does rain when you're moving from venue to venue. Also, bring your Sunblock. Even if it's a rainly day, there may still be periods of Sun Burn Time! Don't worry, you'll be indoors most of the time b/c "Doors Open" is all about them openning up the doors & let us in inside, lol!
Toronto Star Guide, but it's from last year. The updated version will probably come in a few days on Thurs. But much of the info will be the same anyway, so doesn't hurt to take a peak especially if you're totally new to this event.
The Official Website contains a list of venues & some other info.
A semi-official website I suppose b/c it's for all the "Doors Open" events in Ontario, eg. there's also "Doors Open Markham." It contains a list of venues & some other info such as links to the venue websites.
Lit City!
Doors Open is a part of the Lit City event which seems like most of us were too busy to have noticed it, but it's not too late yet. If you can't catch the last of it now, there's always next year, but don't forget then!
Remember to sleep early on Fri nite & get up early Sat morn & super mass visit sites!!! or just relax & take it slow. Both ways have it's benefits!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
The Body Shop
The Body Shop
Originated from the UK. I like some of their products.
Energizing Body Lotion & Body Wash
Feels very refreshing & energizing. Feels like there's a bit of menthol in it.
Aromatherapy Oils
There's essential & non-essential oils. The difference is that essential is concentrated oil that you would not want to apply it directly on to your skin as that could be dangerous to your health. You can add a few drops along with some water on a candle burner. Or you could add a few drops into your bath water. You can always make massage oil by mixing essential w/ non-essential oils.
Non-essential oils are diluted, usually mixed with sesame or olive oil. Massage oils are non-essential oils. These you can rub directly onto your skin w/o posing any health risks, except for the fact that some scents may affect pregnant women so you much do your research & find out which ones are safe for you if you're pregnant.
Facial Oil-Blotting PaperI tend to stock up on their blotting papers especially the powdered ones, but I'm currently down to my last pack unfortunately. Next time I visit Asian I'll probably stock up on other brands blotting paper there, sorry Body Shop!
Originated from the UK. I like some of their products.
Energizing Body Lotion & Body Wash
Feels very refreshing & energizing. Feels like there's a bit of menthol in it.
Aromatherapy Oils
There's essential & non-essential oils. The difference is that essential is concentrated oil that you would not want to apply it directly on to your skin as that could be dangerous to your health. You can add a few drops along with some water on a candle burner. Or you could add a few drops into your bath water. You can always make massage oil by mixing essential w/ non-essential oils.
Non-essential oils are diluted, usually mixed with sesame or olive oil. Massage oils are non-essential oils. These you can rub directly onto your skin w/o posing any health risks, except for the fact that some scents may affect pregnant women so you much do your research & find out which ones are safe for you if you're pregnant.
Facial Oil-Blotting PaperI tend to stock up on their blotting papers especially the powdered ones, but I'm currently down to my last pack unfortunately. Next time I visit Asian I'll probably stock up on other brands blotting paper there, sorry Body Shop!
"Number 7" & "Botanics" from Boots UK
These two brands are from the same company. They're sold throughout the UK. Boots is a drugstore just like Shopper's & PharmaPlus here. So "Boots" is kind of like the "Life" brand from Shopper's except they only specialize makeup & skincare products. They're not as well known here in North America as other UK brands like Crabtree & Body Shop, but people are beginning to be aware of it. It was just introduced to Canada recently like a year ago & it's sold in some Shopper's Drug Marts, mostly the larger stores.I like the Botanics toner & the wipes.I've tried #7 translucent pressed powder & I thought it was alright, but not something that I can't live w/o. Perhaps b/c I'm all into mineral makeup now.#7 purple facial peel.I've used it several times. I guess it works, but I don't seem to notice it's different b/w other peel facials.
These two brands are from the same company. They're sold throughout the UK. Boots is a drugstore just like Shopper's & PharmaPlus here. So "Boots" is kind of like the "Life" brand from Shopper's except they only specialize makeup & skincare products. They're not as well known here in North America as other UK brands like Crabtree & Body Shop, but people are beginning to be aware of it. It was just introduced to Canada recently like a year ago & it's sold in some Shopper's Drug Marts, mostly the larger stores.I like the Botanics toner & the wipes.I've tried #7 translucent pressed powder & I thought it was alright, but not something that I can't live w/o. Perhaps b/c I'm all into mineral makeup now.#7 purple facial peel.I've used it several times. I guess it works, but I don't seem to notice it's different b/w other peel facials.
Crabtree & Evelyn
"Crabtree & Evelyn" from UK
Lemongrass & Brown Sugar Body Butter
This is currently sold out on the website, shows how popular it is & that I'm not the only one that thinks it's the best! But you can probably find it at a store.Before, I didn't like body butters that much as I have oily skin & I felt it was too oily for me. But now I think that body butter tend to last longer for their shelf life before they start to smell wierd like a lot of lotions do.But currently, I'm in love w/ their Lemongrass Body Butter. It smells like nothing I've ever smelt before. Perhaps I'm just new to Lemongrass, lol! But hey, other brands like The Body Shop don't have this scent's body butter. Even if they did it might not be the same. It's just so smooth. I'd buy a jar of it just to smell it & feel it & I'd probably be too stingy to use too much of it too quickly as I'd save it in order to savour it. I'd probably try to eat it if it were edible, lol!
Here's the body scrub!
Gardeners 60-Second Fix Manicure Set for Hands:
Hand RecoveryHand Therapy Hand CreamYou can purchase these two items either together or seperately, &/or use together w/ other products as well.It's a better deal to get them together in a single package if you do want both items.
Step 1: Hand Recovery
This is a hand scrub that contains shea butter hand cream. You rub it on your hands & cuticles to take away dead skin & then rinse. I don't think that it's necessary to apply the Hand Therapy Cream afterwards as your hands are already moisturized after rinsing. I think it's just for extra moisturizing/smoothing. So I'd say that the cream is not absolutely necessary or if you do get it then you can even use the two items seperately if you like.
Step 2: Gardeners Hand Therapy
This is a hand cream that contains shea butter which makes it very smooth & thus your very smooth & the scent is also amazing!
Rosewater Body Powder
Just like baby powder except it doesn't say "baby" anywhere on the body. So you're perfectly justified of this guilty pleasure of pampering yourself. haha!
Suggestion: don't put on a whole lot of lotion/butter/cream on before & especially after using the powder as the powder will stick together with the lotion & you'll have white blobs on your skin.
This stuff smells very nice, another guilty pleasure! The powder itself already makes your skin smooth, but it doesn't contain any moisturizing ingredients, lacking in that department. I'm disappointed that it doesn't contain aloe or vitamin E as some baby powders do from the drugstores, but drugstore body powders do not have a variety of scents to choose from.
Baby/Body powders these days are made from starch & are talc-free (a substance that is toxic to humans) or at least they should be, so be sure to double check. If you have a really old one it may still contain talc & it's up to you if you still want to use it or throw it away.
This product is a bit pricey as with other name brand products & compared to the low price of drugstore baby powders. I'd rate this product a 4/10 as I do love the Rosewater scent & also body powder. Otherwise the price is not really worth it especially since the amount of the product in the small bottle will run out very quickly. However, this is still one of my favourite Crab&Eve products as I already mentioned I love Rosewater & powder. Yes I'm harsh w/ my rating, I know, LoL! The Body Powder also comes in other scents like Lavander & Lily of the Valley.
Lemongrass & Brown Sugar Body Butter
This is currently sold out on the website, shows how popular it is & that I'm not the only one that thinks it's the best! But you can probably find it at a store.Before, I didn't like body butters that much as I have oily skin & I felt it was too oily for me. But now I think that body butter tend to last longer for their shelf life before they start to smell wierd like a lot of lotions do.But currently, I'm in love w/ their Lemongrass Body Butter. It smells like nothing I've ever smelt before. Perhaps I'm just new to Lemongrass, lol! But hey, other brands like The Body Shop don't have this scent's body butter. Even if they did it might not be the same. It's just so smooth. I'd buy a jar of it just to smell it & feel it & I'd probably be too stingy to use too much of it too quickly as I'd save it in order to savour it. I'd probably try to eat it if it were edible, lol!
Here's the body scrub!
Gardeners 60-Second Fix Manicure Set for Hands:
Hand RecoveryHand Therapy Hand CreamYou can purchase these two items either together or seperately, &/or use together w/ other products as well.It's a better deal to get them together in a single package if you do want both items.
Step 1: Hand Recovery
This is a hand scrub that contains shea butter hand cream. You rub it on your hands & cuticles to take away dead skin & then rinse. I don't think that it's necessary to apply the Hand Therapy Cream afterwards as your hands are already moisturized after rinsing. I think it's just for extra moisturizing/smoothing. So I'd say that the cream is not absolutely necessary or if you do get it then you can even use the two items seperately if you like.
Step 2: Gardeners Hand Therapy
This is a hand cream that contains shea butter which makes it very smooth & thus your very smooth & the scent is also amazing!
Rosewater Body Powder
Just like baby powder except it doesn't say "baby" anywhere on the body. So you're perfectly justified of this guilty pleasure of pampering yourself. haha!
Suggestion: don't put on a whole lot of lotion/butter/cream on before & especially after using the powder as the powder will stick together with the lotion & you'll have white blobs on your skin.
This stuff smells very nice, another guilty pleasure! The powder itself already makes your skin smooth, but it doesn't contain any moisturizing ingredients, lacking in that department. I'm disappointed that it doesn't contain aloe or vitamin E as some baby powders do from the drugstores, but drugstore body powders do not have a variety of scents to choose from.
Baby/Body powders these days are made from starch & are talc-free (a substance that is toxic to humans) or at least they should be, so be sure to double check. If you have a really old one it may still contain talc & it's up to you if you still want to use it or throw it away.
This product is a bit pricey as with other name brand products & compared to the low price of drugstore baby powders. I'd rate this product a 4/10 as I do love the Rosewater scent & also body powder. Otherwise the price is not really worth it especially since the amount of the product in the small bottle will run out very quickly. However, this is still one of my favourite Crab&Eve products as I already mentioned I love Rosewater & powder. Yes I'm harsh w/ my rating, I know, LoL! The Body Powder also comes in other scents like Lavander & Lily of the Valley.
New Kitty Glam Cam & Booze!

What is the guy talking about? This is the best thing ever invented after the iphone, until they have HKitty version iphone!!!, according to me anyway, haha!! The Bestest Camera Ever, at least that's for sure!!!!!

Yes, just in time for V-day, Queen Vicky's B-Day that is!!
Wondering Y my parents dint name me Victoria. It'd totally make sense coz my bday often lands on or very close to V-day. Perhaps I should incorporate it as my middle name. Or perhaps it's not a good enuf name pour moi, hehe!
Now, how exactly do I get a hold on this stuff?? At my local LCBO, or r they discriminatory towards "Mon Cherie, Mi Amor, Je t'aime!" "Mon Kitty/Chat!" Oh my Beloved HelloKitty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, she's one of my proud obsessions!!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Toronto Spots
Downtown toronto
One Eleven
They have great Raw Oysters & a great DeeJay!
cool place on Bloor St. I actually haven't been there yet. I was supposed to for a party that I missed last year.¤tVenueId=1396
popular for tourists as well as locals, amazing view from up there.
Empire Restaurant & Lounge
very popular place, huge crowd, haven't been in there yet
Y Not Lounge
used to be bubble tea shops called "Eternal Tea" & then "Love&Scandle"
Club V/Yorkville Affair
Kool Lounge
Flow Restaurant & Lounge
been there before the fire. haven't been there since it got renovated.
Bubble Tea Shops
Richmond Hill
One Eleven
They have great Raw Oysters & a great DeeJay!
cool place on Bloor St. I actually haven't been there yet. I was supposed to for a party that I missed last year.¤tVenueId=1396
popular for tourists as well as locals, amazing view from up there.
Empire Restaurant & Lounge
very popular place, huge crowd, haven't been in there yet
Y Not Lounge
used to be bubble tea shops called "Eternal Tea" & then "Love&Scandle"
Club V/Yorkville Affair
Kool Lounge
Flow Restaurant & Lounge
been there before the fire. haven't been there since it got renovated.
A list of Yorkville Clubs
Here's an old blog I found on Yorkville. Looks like it hasn't been updated for at least 1yr but most of the info should still be relevant, although there aren't that many posts.
Bubble Tea Shops
Richmond Hill
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Hair Straighteners

ideas for future posts
art: avant garde, surrealism, bohemian, hippies
Toronto Yorkville in the 60's.
art: visual artists, abstract art
the meaning of life: maslow's hierarchy of needs, according to theology, philosophy, biology, other theories, etc...
according to Biology, our sole purpose is to reproduce, but life must have more meaning than simply that.
acne: dermawand, oxylite, zeno, light therapy, benxyl peroxide, salicylic acid, glycolic acid peel.
architechture-rococo, victorian, baroque, modern/futuristic
Toronto Yorkville in the 60's.
art: visual artists, abstract art
the meaning of life: maslow's hierarchy of needs, according to theology, philosophy, biology, other theories, etc...
according to Biology, our sole purpose is to reproduce, but life must have more meaning than simply that.
acne: dermawand, oxylite, zeno, light therapy, benxyl peroxide, salicylic acid, glycolic acid peel.
architechture-rococo, victorian, baroque, modern/futuristic
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Father of Molecular Gastronomy Whips Up a New Formula
Bartending & Spherification in NY
Bartending & Spherification in NY
Sunday, May 10, 2009
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