What is the guy talking about? This is the best thing ever invented after the iphone, until they have HKitty version iphone!!!, according to me anyway, haha!! The Bestest Camera Ever, at least that's for sure!!!!!

Yes, just in time for V-day, Queen Vicky's B-Day that is!!
Wondering Y my parents dint name me Victoria. It'd totally make sense coz my bday often lands on or very close to V-day. Perhaps I should incorporate it as my middle name. Or perhaps it's not a good enuf name pour moi, hehe!
Now, how exactly do I get a hold on this stuff?? At my local LCBO, or r they discriminatory towards "Mon Cherie, Mi Amor, Je t'aime!" "Mon Kitty/Chat!" Oh my Beloved HelloKitty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, she's one of my proud obsessions!!
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